May 15th and 16th
Pier 38
San Francisco CA
Welcome to the Music Hack Day San Francisco Wiki! Feel free to add content that you think may help other hackers.
What to bring?
- Bring your hacking tools of choice: laptop, ethernet patch cords, toolbox, arduinos, synths, musical material, your imagination
- We'll supply: power, wireless network, hacking space, meals, snacks, stimulation (of the intellectual kind)
Keeping in touch during the Music Hack Day weekend is important. Here are a few ways to make sure that you know what is going on:
Want to learn how to use a new API or how to build an electronic instrument?
Have an idea you'd like to share or want to pair up with others on a project?
Want to share links or information about resources (APIs, platforms, tools, etc.) that might be useful in creating projects?
Want to show off your work?
Email Email organizers: musichackdaysf@gmail.com
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