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Page history last edited by oscar.celma@upf.edu 14 years, 3 months ago







@Groovify (aka yet another twitter bot) sends you a tweet each time you use the #nowplaying tag.

It creates a page that includes a list of Spotify tracks, as well as a Grooveshark embedded Flash player based on the track you were listening to.


In essence, once you follow @Groovify, it SPAMs you every time you tweet what you are #nowplaying.


Here are some queries that should work:


  • #nowplaying Aerosmith dream on <3 :-) #posers?
  • #nowplaying Dream On by Aerosmith  ♫ ♪ ♥ ♬


Here are some queries that won't work:


  • #nowplaying Aerosmith dream on <3 Is the singer still in the band?
  • #nowplaying U2 - One #AchtungBaby. Will Bono save the world again?


Here are some sample playlists:



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