
RecordFinder for MuseScore

Page history last edited by Joachim 14 years, 8 months ago


RecordFinder plugin for MuseScore


Given a music score loaded in MuseScore, the RecordFinder plugin will search Last.fm for performances of that particular piece. This enables the user to find performances by different artists of a particular song, or to find different remixes of a song. A list of links to Last.fm track pages is displayed, which the user can click through to, to have the ability to listen to (a snippet of) the song and/or buy it.


The Ultra Alpha version of this plugin, hacked together at SF MusicHackDay, can be downloaded and used at your own risk by clicking this link. There is a small readme file inside, please read that first. For a good corpus of files to test it, check out http://www.wikifonia.org .



Possible future add-ons:

- Work on the GUI, display results in different pages, add more information and buttons instead of the plain list of links it is now... I used MusicHackDay as an opportunity to get to know the different available APIs, web programming and Qt plugin framework, none of which I knew before and it unfortunately shows.

- Use the 7digital API to be able to buy the song directly from MuseScore

- Use SongKick or BandsInTown APIs to be able to find concerts where a particular artist will perform, and/or buy tickets for them

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